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Right kind of food is fuel for body and therapy to mind!

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Pregnancy Diet

No other time in life is nutrition as important as before, during, and following pregnancy

Your baby acquires essential nutrients from you, hence it is important that you take good care of your health and sA woman who is pregnant or who plans to get pregnant should start having proper nourishment right away. You can follow a 3 month pregnancy diet chart from the beginning, as it will help in building nutrition reserve that will supplement the growing baby right from conception. Eating healthy will provide you with essential nutrients that will strengthen your body and immune system, and enhance your metabolism. Before you follow a certain diet plan for pregnancy, it is recommended that you consult your gynaecologist. Here are a few guidelines to follow when you are on a pregnancy diet:with to a balanced diet for pregnant women. Weight gain during your pregnancy is another cause for concern and a pregnancy diet chart that is balanced helps with healthy weight-gain too. Read on for a vegetarian diet chart for a pregnant lady that is rich in nutrition and will help in gaining the right weight.

Pregnancy is a crucial period in a woman’s life and comes with lots of do’s and don’ts. You shall face a lot of hormonal changes in your body which can affect your mood swings, appetite, and body metabolism. Most women feel nauseated during their pregnancy, which affects their diet and health. It is necessary that your meals contain iron, calcium, folic acid, and vitamins. The Indian diet chart during pregnancy described below is high in nutrition and is sure to help keep you energetic through the day.

The type of diet we encourage during pregnancy refers to fine-tuning your eating habits to ensure you are receiving adequate nutrition for the health of you and your baby. Healthy eating during pregnancy is critical to your baby’s growth and development. In order to get the nutrients you need, you must eat from a variety of food groups, including fruits and vegetables, breads and grains, protein sources and dairy products.

How it works?

  • Register yourself by providing information on Right Top corner of a page ( Join This Program Form ) fill your all details.
  • After enrolment, You will be given confirmation mail for the time slot for consultation.
  • We will discuss all details and plan your diet plan as per your health requirements and mail back to you.
  • Every week you will update us your health progress over mail/phone/ whatsapp. We will mail your new diet plan after seeing last weeks progress.

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