Every person experiences cravings differently. Cravings are often for junk foods and processed foods high in sugar, salt, and fat.These are intense or uncontrollable wishes for specific foods, stronger than normal hunger.
The types of foods that people crave are highly variable, Food cravings are intense, sometimes irresistible urges to eat. A person usually desires a specific food or taste. Foods high in sugars or other carbohydrates commonly cause cravings, and these can be especially difficult to control.
Sweet foods and those rich in other carbohydrates fire off feel-good chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and other relaxing endorphins in the brain. The effects of these chemicals may make a person more likely to seek them out repeatedly.
Satisfying cravings can become a habit, and it may be easy to eat sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods without thinking about the consequences.
Once a person kicks the habit, for example by following a restrictive diet, the cravings usually end soon afterward.
Food cravings are a major roadblock for people trying to maintain a healthy weight or switch to a more healthful diet.
Experts believe food cravings last only about 3-5 minutes and if you are able to manage this time you will succeed in avoiding eating unhealthy food.
The strategies below can help with managing food cravings.
An imbalance of hormones, such as leptin and serotonin, can also cause food cravings. It is also possible that food cravings are due to endorphins that are released into the body after someone has eaten, which mirrors an addiction.
Emotions may also be involved in producing a food craving, especially if a person eats for comfort.
Pregnant women experience especially strong cravings, which may be due to hormonal changes that can disrupt their taste and smell receptors.
There is also the possibility of a connection between the cravings and nutrients. This is the idea that the body craves certain foods because it lacks certain nutrients.
There are some simple steps to take to handle these cravings.
Stress and emotional eating can influence a variety of health issues. Stress may induce food cravings and influence eating behaviors, especially for women
Women under stress have been shown to eat significantly more calories and experience more cravings than non-stressed women
Thirst is often confused with hunger or food cravings. One of the easiest ways to reduce food cravings is to make sure the body is hydrated throughout the day.
If you feel a sudden urge for a specific food, try drinking a large glass of water and wait a few minutes. You may find that the craving fades away, because your body was actually just thirsty
Eating more protein may reduce your appetite and keep you from overeating.A healthful diet should contain plenty of lean sources of protein, as they may help reduce cravings.
Hunger is one of the biggest reasons why we experience cravings.
When the body is very hungry, it may crave more calorie-dense foods than usual, including fried and processed foods.
Instead of waiting for intense feelings of hunger, it is better to have a regular pattern of meals and healthful snacks planned throughout the day to avoid potential cravings.
Avoid sugary foods and processed carbs. To prevent leptin surges and blood sugar crashes that pump up your appetite, avoid processed carbs and sweets as much as possible.